Uniform & Jewellery
There is an expectation that all children will wear our school uniform and we value parents’ support in helping us to achieve this. Uniform is seen as a feature of school that is integral to the issue of high standards. It is most important that children come to school appropriately dressed including suitable black footwear.
All articles of clothing should be clearly marked with your child’s name. Please provide a suitable bag for swimming kit (where applicable). Children will be asked to attend school in their PE kits on their PE days.
- White polo shirt with or without logo
- Grey skirt, trousers or pinafore dress for winter
- Blue & white gingham check dress or grey shorts for summer
- Royal Blue sweatshirt with or without logo
- Black school shoes
- PE – Blue shorts and house point team coloured t-shirts. Black trainers or pumps.
- White polo shirt with or without logo
- Grey trousers or shorts
- Royal blue sweatshirt with or without logo
- Black school shoes
- PE- Blue shorts and house point team coloured t-shirts. Black trainers or pumps.
You are able to purchase school uniform from My Clothing or by visiting CC Uniforms LTD school wear
Kings square shopping centre
82 Kings Square, Sandwell centre
West Bromwich
We have a pre-loved uniform sale twice a year. For more details about this please contact the school office school.admin@tividale-pri.sandwell.sch.uk.
Unbranded uniform can also be purchased at most large supermarkets or clothing stores.
For reasons of safety children should not come to school in items of jewellery (other than for religious purposes). If your child has pierced ears, they may wear a single stud. If any other jewellery is worn, your child will be asked to remove it for reasons of Health & Safety.
Children are welcome to wear pedometer trackers and fitness watches. Smart Watches or devices that are able to text, call or photograph/video are not allowed in School.