At Tividale, we welcome the views of our parents and local community. This feedback is important to us. We would like you to tell us when you are pleased with the way things are progressing for your children. We also need to know when you have any concerns so we can act on them in line with our policies and procedures, and make any changes or improvements which may be necessary.
A copy of the School Compliments and Complaints Procedure is available on our school website.
Your child’s class teacher is responsible for your child’s education and general welfare. Should you have any concerns in this respect, they should be your first point of reference. If this does not resolve your concern, or if your concern is of a more serious or on-going nature, please do not hesitate to come into school to discuss it with the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher. An appointment is not usually necessary, although a phone call would ensure their availability.
If following this it is not possible to resolve your concern informally then the formal complaints procedure can be accessed. The schools complaint policy and form is available on the website.
You may wish to compliment or praise the work of a teacher or another staff member working with your children. This can be done informally within any discussion you may be having directly with the person or a senior member of staff, or more formally in a letter or email. Any verbal or written compliments will be recorded by the member of staff receiving the compliment and be passed to the appropriate person. Feedback on compliments which are not given directly to the person concerned will be shared with them at the soonest and most appropriate time after receiving it.